Crafter: i saw a video from a gorl fucking the hook of a car and want to try it by my own. Th eplace was not the best and I could only made a short video. Maybe better next time 01:15
Long walk: i took a long walk in the fields.... of corse complete naked and with a shot at the end 06:05
Visit to the university: at my last visit to the university I also visit the restroom for a short wank 02:25
Amateurs Sluts living the dream, part 3: more to this intensive documentary about boys who dress up as girls to have sex with men and live out there sexual desires to be girl sluts and whores!!! 10:51
Walking in an abandon building - Part 3: this is the last part of the abandon building..... heading back to the place where the cloth are 01:51
Again Back to University: the first video at the university got many positive comments. But one guy was moaning that I didn't strip complet. So here it is. The secend visit at the place and this time complete naked. 03:47
At the playground: today I was a the playground and took the quick chance to stick my dick into the "net" of a table tennis plate. was interrupted by some people but I will come back to this place later 02:17
At the playground 2: last time at the playground I was interrupted and promise to come back here again.... and I did 04:07
At the playground 3: al right, al right....I absoluteley knew what everyone thinks after seeing the last two videos at the playground. Why the hell isn't he naked. 03:49
Shopping Carts: sorry.... no cum this time as I was interrupted at the end. also sorry for the poor quality as it is filmed through a window 02:46
At the railway station: this is a tribute for one special user. Hope he likes it. for the others.... this time no closeup and no cum 01:24
Elevator: this time I take a short ride in an elevator not knowing what happens when the door opens. 02:42
Barefeet: once again a special request with bare feet. Coments are welcome and keep me posting more vids 04:10