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Mature Amateur Rudy Beating Off: this fellow is quite charming. Rudy is more mature, yet still in great shape and all the parts are working well. He is 52 years old, 5' 11" and 160 pounds works as a carpenter. He loves small women, b
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Mature Amateur Chris Jacking Off: this is a magnificent man, with a troubled mind. Too many problems, too many issues and way too much baggage. But Chris is he a looker! He's 38 years old, 5' 10", and 175 pounds and makes his living i
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Mature Amateur Mark Jacking Off: mark is on the streets, while in the process of getting a divorce. It is easy to see why she left him. He's constantly apologizing for the things he does, and it he drove me nuts. He's 35 years old, 5
Mature Amateur Jeff Jacking Off - WorkinMenXxx: not only is Jeff good looking, but he also sports a big cock between his hairy legs. He hadn't had any sex in a long time, so he was afraid he'd shoot too quickly. You would think someone with his...
Mature Amateur Dan Jacking Off: this big burly old bear of a man is a research technician who is passionate about scuba diving. He's 51 years old, 6 foot and 245 pounds, and is ready to leave his hometown and move to the tropics to
Mature Amateur Shawn Jacking Off - WorkinMenXxx: it is rare that you find men of East Indian descent willing to do this type of movie. While Shawn is not someone I personally find attractive, I'm sure there are many out there that do. Enjoy his solo jerk
Mature Amateur Phillip Beating Off: this friendly guy has spent a lot of his life in prison. Phillip is out now and working toward making a better life for himself. At 6 foot and 180 pounds, this 49 year old works in construction. He sa
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Mature Amateur Tim Beating Off: i'm not sure what to make of this guy. Tim started all this I chase terrorists talk during his interview, and then continued with the ex-Navy Seal macho stuff throughout the session. Something isn't r
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Mature Amateur Steve Beating Off: steve says he loves pussy and likes to least he's honest! It does seem to be the extent of this guy's life activities. He probably gets a lot more drink than pussy, though. He is a 55 year
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Mature Amateur Chris Beating Off: this hairy young guy gets sexier all the time. Which is why I could not wait to get him back in for s second session. I usually gravitate toward the more mature types, but with Chris I would quickly m
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Mature Amateur Conor Jacks Off: conor and his buddy Josh are a couple of great guys. Conor's sister is engaged to Josh, and they are both good friends. Conor is 25 years old, 5' 11", and 170 pounds. He works in a restaurant, but wa
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Mature Amateur Steve Jacking Off: this Ex-Marine and family man works as a construction and maintenance contractor. He enjoys of the outdoors and physical fitness. Steve is very proud of the fact that he has kept his body in basically the same condition...
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Mature Amateur Andrew Jacking Off: this cutie man is just out of prison, where I'll bet his fellow inmates really enjoyed him. Unfortunately he's gone right back to doing what got him there in the first place. This 28 year old, 5'-10", 160 pound...
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Mature Amateur Terry Jacking Off: one look and you can tell this guy is a wild man. He is into everything, both good and bad. The dude is always in trouble, and calling me from jail. And when he's not locked up, Terry is fucked up on something. He used...
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Mature Amateur Charlie Jacking Off: this guy lives on the street and is terribly addicted to alcohol. I'm surprised he is still alive. It is common to find him in the street, on some of Atlanta's busiest roads. Yet he still manages to survive and keep a...
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Mature Amateur Matt Jacking Off: when this handsome and well built gentleman showed up for an interview, I thought there was no way he would ever come back to do a video. But, to my surprise, he did. Matt is 100 percent straight, but willing to show off...
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Mature Amateur Randy Jacking Off: randy is basically straight. This gentleman absolutely loves to show off. I offered to give him some assistance, but he said he was fine. It doesn't hurt to try! A business man, family man and sports enthusiast, he's the
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